Yuri N. Klimov. Dependence of frequency on lengths of words and their quantities in Psaltir

Literature / Internet articles / Analysis of literature

Submitted on: Nov 27, 2012, 02:45:12

Description: The total of words in Psaltir [1] is made 9718, and with their frequency - 55748 by a technique [2]. Dependences of frequency of words on their quantity, on their length, since the greatest size, the logarithm of frequency of words from the logarithm of lengths of words, since the greatest size and the logarithm of cumulative frequency of words from the logarithm of their cumulative quantity are investigated. For reception of adequate mathematical dependences experimental data resulted to cumulate and represented as logarithms. It is shown, that frequency of a word is inversely proportional to its length, the logarithm of lengths of words and proportional to cumulative frequency, cumulative quantity of words, logarithms: frequencies of words, quantities of words, cumulative quantity of words and cumulative frequency of words. The specified dependences investigated on the linear, sedate, logarithmic equations and polynoms of the second and third degrees. Relative speed in sedate dependence for the given dependences can be positive or negative and serves for an estimation of the concrete text. Logarithms of frequency are increased with reduction of length of words from 1,0986 up to 6,92756, the logarithm of quantity of words - from 1,0986 up to 3,5835, the logarithm of cumulative frequency - from 1,0986 up to 10,929 and the logarithm of cumulative quantity of words - 1,0986 up to 9,1817. Thus the logarithm of length of words falls 2,7726 from up to 0. That is curves of logarithms of cumulative frequency and logarithms of cumulative quantity of words from the logarithm of length of words will be imposed against each other up to the logarithm of length of a word equal 2,7081, and then the plug is formed: the curve of the logarithm of cumulative frequency will lay above a curve of the logarithm of cumulative quantity(amount) of words. Keywords: quantity of words, frequency of words, length of words, dynamics of quantity of words, average length of words, cumulative qua...

The Library of Congress (USA) reference page : http://lccn.loc.gov/cn2013300046.

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