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Add your article to the Intellectual Archive
(with options of obtaining a DOI and/or a printed certificate of your online publication)

1. To add your article to the Intellectual Archive - please select the branch and area corresponding to your work.



2. Then select the appropriate Subject from the dropdown list below. If you did not find a suitable Subject - just enter it into the box below. You can also add one or two keywords to make it easier for web site visitors to find your article.

Keyword 1:
Keyword 2:

3. Specify the type of access you want to give the general public to your article.
With public access, your article and text description will be available to everyone. With semi-private access, a text description will be provided, but the file with your article will not be available to the general public. With private access, neither the file nor the text description will be available to the general public.

Type of access:

4. Specify the author and title of your article

5. Enter a short description (abstract) of your article (no more than 1000 characters).

0 symbols

6. Upload your work to the Intellectual Archive. Your file must be no larger than 7 MB. Here are the file types we accept: .pdf, .docx, .doc, .txt, .jpg, .png, .wav, .mp3, .mid, .html.

All personal details are optional. However, we will not be able to send you a paper certificate by regular mail if we do not have your address.
First name Last Name
Apt./ Unit #
Street # Street Name
City Name State/Province Postal / ZIP code
Country Telephone #
E-mail address*

7. Check the box below to indicate that you have read and agree to the Terms, Conditions and Privacy Policy (mandatory)*

8. To make sure we are dealing with humans (and not robot spamming), please enter the following numbers in the box below (no spaces).

9. If you need a Digital Object Identifier (DOI) for the article you are uploading, use the PayPal button below to order it. (About Digital Object Identifiers).

Number of online articles that require DOI
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10. To order a printed Certificate of online publication with mailing to your address, please click the PayPal button below.
This paper certificate will be printed, signed and stamped by us and will contain your name, the title of your article, the date of upload and the download link. Our certificate can be very useful for you in case of any copyright disputes or as printed confirmation of your publications.

  Here is an example of the Certificate of online publication. Click the image to enlarge it. "Printed Certificate" Printed Certificate

Quantity of printed Certificates
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11. And finally

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