Yuri N. Klimov. Rank distribution of frequency and lengths of words in poem S. A. Esenin's "pugachev"
Literature / Internet articles / Analysis of literature
Submitted on: Feb 28, 2013, 23:31:18
Description: Abstracts: the total of words in S. A. Esenin's poem "Pugachev" [1] is made 2492, and with frequency of a word - 4848 by a technique by a technique [2]. The following dependences are investigated: distributions of frequency and lengths of words, since the greatest value, from a rank, cumulative length of a word and cumulative frequency of words, since the greatest value, from a rank and cumulative length of a word and cumulative frequency of words, since the greatest value, from a rank. It is shown, that right at the beginning the curve of the logarithm of cumulative frequency lays above a curve of the logarithm of cumulative length of words from a rank, and then there is their crossing in a point appropriate to 185 rank, that is is formed lexical crossingover. For the first time it is shown, that imposing of a linear straight line on a logarithmic curve reveals three non-uniform zones of distribution of the logarithm of cumulative frequencies of words from the logarithm of a rank: I Ð. nuclear zone - from 1 up to 321 ranks with cumulative frequency of a word 2298, II a zone - from 322 up to 1857 ranks with cumulative frequency of a word 1798 and III a zone - from 1858 up to 2491 ranks with cumulative frequency of a word 634, that is the ratio of cumulative frequencies of a word on zones will be equal 1:0,78:0,28, and distributions of the logarithm of cumulative lengths of words from the logarithm of a rank: I a nuclear zone - from 1 up to 321 ranks with cumulative length of a word equal 3253, II a zone - from 322 up to 1857 ranks with cumulative length of a word 9916 and III a zone - from 1858 up to 2491 ranks with cumulative length of a word 2283 and a ratio of cumulative lengths of a word on zones equal 1:3,05:0,70, that more than previous distribution Bradford. The received results practically pull together researches rank distributions of articles on thematic sections of documentary information streams and linguistic synergetic on the basis of distributions Zip...