Yuri N. Klimov. Definition coordinates and values h - points of texts of Old Russian manuscripts and translations into a modern Russian literary language
Literature / Internet articles / Analysis of literature
Submitted on: Sep 06, 2013, 07:41:02
Description: The investigated texts of Old Russian manuscripts differ on volumes of the dictionary and the text, coordinates h - points which can be equal or various words on cumulative frequency and a rank. The approximate and exact riches of the investigated Old Russian texts under formula Popescu - АltmannEs are calculated. It is shown, that the investigated texts on riches did not differ almost from each other. The mistake has made 1.58 E" 7.61 %. The riches of texts of translations under specified formula Popescu - АltmannEs which were close to texts of Old Russian manuscripts are marked. Key words: texts, Old Russian manuscripts, volume of the dictionary, volume of the text, h - a point, coordinates h - points, riches of texts, formula Popescu E" АltmannEs, riches of texts of translations, cumulative frequency of words, a rank