Pavel Zakharchenko. Resort-recreation Complexes In System Of Health Economics On Ukraine

Natural Sciences / Other / economy

Submitted on: Sep 27, 2013, 14:31:29


Pavel Zakharchenko

In today's global economy, resort complexes are the one of the most profitable and the most dynamic on development sectors of the economy. Many countries have in their face constantly growing source of foreign exchange earnings. Due to attracting millions of tourists are actively developing the infrastructure areas, create additional workplaces. According to the World Tourism Organization (UNWTO), on the stake of resorts and related industries to him now there are 8.3% workplaces of the world, 9.3% international investments, 12% export and 3.6% world gross internal product. Tourists expend 10.2% all facilities, which are outlaid world consumer. An average tourist, visiting Europe, brought a local economy a profit in size of $790, and for the countries of Eastern Europe and European republics of the former Soviet Union this index was $370. Considering the state of the resort-recreational potential of the Ukraine, it should be noted availability of favorable climatic conditions and varied recreational and balneological resources. This is a prerequisite for the formation of a highly developed, competitive recreational complex. However, the existing resource potential is used not sufficiently, and the state and impact of recreation development, not only lags behind the leading countries of the world, but does not meet the requirements of the modern consumer. Domestic industry resorts forms less than 1% of GDP, while in economic developed countries this index arrives at 6 - 8%. The sphere of tourism and resorts does not play a considerable role in economic development of Ukraine and producing a positive international image. The current situation is explained by non-competitiveness of the majority of Ukrainian resort-recreation complexes, which all in a greater degree shows up on a background the processes of globalization and liberalization. Today, for placing of tourists in Ukr...

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