Alexander Bolonkin. Human Immortality and Electronic civilization
Social Sciences / History / World history
Submitted on: Sep 28, 2013, 17:55:49
Description: Immortality is the most cherished dream and the biggest wish of any person. In book the author shows that the problem of immortality can be solved only by changing the biological human into an artificial form. Such an immortal person made of chips and super-solid material (the E-man, as was called in earlier author articles and book) will have incredible advantages in comparison to conventional people. An E-man will need no food, no dwelling, no air, no sleep, no rest, and no ecologically pure environment. His brain will work from radio-isotopic batteries (which will work for decades) and muscles that will work on small nuclear engines. Such a being will be able to travel into space and walk on the sea floor with no aqualungs. He will change his face and figure. He will have super-human strength and communicate easily over long distances to gain vast amounts of knowledge in seconds (by re-writing his brain). His mental abilities and capacities will increase millions of times. It will be possible for such a person to travel huge distances at the speed of light. The information of one person like this could be transported to other planets with a laser beam and then placed in a new body. This is the popular book about the development of new technologies in 21st century and future of human race. Author shows that a human soul is only the information in a person head. He offers new unique method for re-writing the main brain information in chips without any damage of human brain. This is the scientific prediction of the non-biological (electronic) civilization and immortality of human being. Such a prognosis is predicated upon a new law, discovered by the author, for the development of complex systems. According to this law, every self-copying system tends to be more complex than the previous system, provided that all external conditions remain the same. The consequences are disastrous: humanity will be replaced by a new civilization created by intellectual robots (w...