Yuri N. Klimov. Quantitative lexicology books of the Old Testament

Literature / Internet articles / Analysis of literature

Submitted on: Nov 19, 2013, 07:27:30

Description: On the basis of cumulative lengths of words and their frequencies, dependence of cumulative lengths of words and their frequencies on sequence of books, since the greatest researched size, dependence of average value of cumulative lengths of words and their frequencies computer quantitative lexical crossingover from sequence of books of the Old Testament, dependence of the natural logarithm of cumulative lengths of words and the natural logarithm of cumulative frequency of words for computer quantitative lexical crossingover from sequence of books, since the greatest researched size, dependence of the relation of relative speeds of cumulative length of words and cumulative frequency of words on sequence of books, since the greatest researched size, modeling of a point computer quantitative lexical crossingover cumulative lengths and frequencies of words on the linear and sedate equations are shown affinity and distinction of books of the Old Testament. Keywords: quantitative lexicology, Old Testament, quantity of words, frequency of words, length of words, dynamics of quantity of words, dynamics of length of words, average length of words, cumulative quantity of words, cumulative frequency of words, modeling, linear dependence, sedate dependence, logarithmic dependence, polynoms of the second degree, polynoms of the third degree.

The Library of Congress (USA) reference page : http://lccn.loc.gov/cn2013300046.

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