Alexander Bolonkin. New Methods of Removing Space Debris
Natural Sciences / Physics / General Physics
Submitted on: Mar 22, 2014, 17:37:40
Description: In 1957 the new era of studying outer Space by space apparatus was ushered in. During this past half century, thousands of satellites, space ships and space stations were launched. The tens of thousands of slivers from old rockets remaining in Space represent a serious danger for new satellites, space craft, space stations and space travelers. Currently, about 19,000 pieces of debris larger than 5 cm (2.0 in) are tracked. Any of them can damage a space apparatus. This work delineates the problems of the space debris (amount, distribution, growth, danger and so on), reviews the old and contemporary methods of cleaning up the debris, and evaluates the relative efficiency of the current and new methods. This paper offers new methods and installations for cleaning outer space from space debris and specific protection of important space ships and stations from large space debris (SD). Advantages of the offered method and apparatus are the following: 1. Smaller size and weight by 2 -3 times than conventional SD Collector. 2. Greater efficiency by 2 -3 times. 3. Saves fuel by some times. 4. No limits in size for SD. 5. Can easily protect a space ship and station (for example, International Space Station) from SD.