Yu.N. Klimov. Нapax legomena, dishapax legomena both a h-point in Gospels and epistles of apostles in the New testament
Literature / Internet articles / Analysis of literature
Submitted on: Mar 26, 2014, 03:45:04
Description: Are investigated hapax legomena, dishapax legomena both a h-point in Gospels and epistles of apostles in the New testament. Quantitative similarity and distinction hapax legomena, dishapax legomena and h-points of the investigated texts are shown. Modeling Gospels is lead and texts of messages of the Apostles, allowing revealing close texts. Key words: hapax legomena, dishapax legomena, a h-point, cumulative hapax legomena, cumulative dishapax legomena, the New testament, number of verses, modeling, the linear equation, the logarithmic equation, the sedate equation, exponential the equation, a polynoms of the second degree, a polynoms of the third degree, a zone of distribution hapax legomena and dishapax legomena, non-uniformity of zones of distribution hapax legomena and dishapax legomena, relative speed, relative э exponential speed, volumes of texts, volumes of dictionaries, cumulative volume of the text, cumulative volume of dictionaries, riches of texts, affinity Gospels. affinity of epistles.