Yu.N. Klimov. Нapax legomena, dishapax legomena both a h-point in Gospels and epistles of apostles in the New testament

Literature / Internet articles / Analysis of literature

Submitted on: Mar 26, 2014, 03:45:04

Description: Are investigated hapax legomena, dishapax legomena both a h-point in Gospels and epistles of apostles in the New testament. Quantitative similarity and distinction hapax legomena, dishapax legomena and h-points of the investigated texts are shown. Modeling Gospels is lead and texts of messages of the Apostles, allowing revealing close texts. Key words: hapax legomena, dishapax legomena, a h-point, cumulative hapax legomena, cumulative dishapax legomena, the New testament, number of verses, modeling, the linear equation, the logarithmic equation, the sedate equation, exponential the equation, a polynoms of the second degree, a polynoms of the third degree, a zone of distribution hapax legomena and dishapax legomena, non-uniformity of zones of distribution hapax legomena and dishapax legomena, relative speed, relative э exponential speed, volumes of texts, volumes of dictionaries, cumulative volume of the text, cumulative volume of dictionaries, riches of texts, affinity Gospels. affinity of epistles.

The Library of Congress (USA) reference page : http://lccn.loc.gov/cn2013300046.

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