Phartenadze Oksana. Experience Of Using Socio-psychological Training Exercises By Psychological Counseling Services In Higher Education Institutions
Social Sciences / Psychology / Educational psychology
Submitted on: Jul 31, 2014, 10:08:59
Description: The article looks at the place and role of socio-psychological training exercises in the educational environment of higher education institutions. It analyses the experience of using socio-psychological training exercises by the psychological counseling services of the higher education institutions in Ukraine. The article presents the authorâE™s concept which considers a socio-psychological training exercise to be a tool of socio-psychological support for socialization of future specialists as subjects of their professional development.
The full-text article has been published in the "IntellectualArchive" journal , Vol.3, Num.4, July 2014, ISSN 1929-4700.