Ervin Goldfain. Fractal Operators in Non-Equilibrium Field Theory
Natural Sciences / Physics / Particle physics
Submitted on: Feb 25, 2012, 09:46:51
Description: Relativistic quantum field theory (QFT) describes fundamental interactions between elementary particles occurring in an energy range up to several hundreds GeV. Extending QFT beyond this range needs to account for the imbalance produced by unsuppressed quantum fluctuations and for the emergence of non-equilibrium phase transitions. Our underlying premise is that fractal operators become mandatory tools when exploring evolution from low-energy physics to the non-equilibrium regime of QFT. Canonical quantization using fractal operators leads to the concept of "complexon", a fractional extension of quantum excitations and a likely candidate for non-baryonic Dark Matter. A discussion on the duality between this new field-theoretic framework and General Relativity is included.