Ashot A. Tavadyan. Sensitivity Thresholds of Countries with Transitional Economies: The Case of Armenia
Social Sciences / Economics / International
Submitted on: Sep 10, 2014, 03:11:24
Description: The analysis of sensitivity thresholds of economy enables to identify the critical characteristics of key economic processes of transition from quantity to a new economic quality. The complex investigation of sensitivity thresholds of economy conduces to the identification of their interrelations. Since uncertainty intervals are present in economy, it is possible to present only the interval forecast of sensitivity thresholds. The sensitivity threshold of economic indicators occurs when the probability of transition to a new economic quality substantially increases in this or that sphere of economy. The study of sensitivity thresholds is especially important for a country with transitional economy as only the threshold values of key economic indicators make the effective realization of market economy potential possible. The sensitivity thresholds of economic processes create benchmarks of economy that decisions made, must correspond to.
The full-text article has been published in the "IntellectualArchive" journal , Vol.3, Num.5, September 2014, ISSN 1929-4700.