Alexander Shalyt-Margolin. The Gravity on All Energy Scales. Some Significant Examples and One No-go Theorem

Natural Sciences / Physics / Gravitation Theory (Relativity)

Submitted on: Sep 27, 2014, 14:50:19

Description: At the present time a theory of gravity is subdivided into two absolutely different parts: low-energy theory represented by the General Relativity (GR) and hypothetical high-energy theory -- Quantum Gravity (QG) -- that is still unresolved. In this way there is a certain dichotomy in gravity considered as a unified theory. This work is an effort to reveal the main causes for such a dichotomy; the means for departure from this dichotomy are proposed. By one of the approaches gravity is considered at low and at high energies as a single whole dependent on the same parameters, which are discrete for the fundamental length if present.There are grounds to believe that in this case the mathematical formalism must be modified âE" all infinitesimal space-time quantities must be replaced by the corresponding finite quantities dependent on the existent energies. Further this paper shows that, provided a theory involves the minimal length, the parameters associated with it will appear in several models of general relativity and cosmology. But smallness of these parameters and smoothness of their variation at low energies makes it possible to consider them practically continuous, the models themselves being in essence independent of the parameter variations. At high energies these parameters are really discrete and lead to equations with a discrete set of solutions. Consideration is given to some consequences and, in particular, to some differences between the, so far, hypothetical theory involving the minimal length and general relativity. Finally, one fairly evident no-go theorem is treated to demonstrate that the entropic approach to gravity in its present form is impossible in the case of the minimal length theory.

The full-text article has been published in the "IntellectualArchive" journal , Vol.3, Num.5, September 2014, ISSN 1929-4700.

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