Air Hypersonic Electronically Propulsion

Natural Sciences / Physics / General Physics

Submitted on: Oct 04, 2014, 17:41:26

Description: Aviation, in general, and aerospace in particular needs new propulsion systems which allow the craft to reach high speeds by cheaper and more efficient methods. Author offers a new propulsion system using electrons for acceleration of the craft and having a high efficiency. As this system does not heat the air, it does not have the heating limitations of conventional air ramjet hypersonic engines. Offered engine can produce a thrust from a zero flight speed up to the desired space apparatus speed. It can work in any planet atmosphere (gas, liquid) and at very high altitude. The system can use apparatus surface for thrust and braking. For energy the system uses high voltage electricity which is not a problem if you have an appropriate electrostatic generator connected with any suitable engine. ------------------------------------------------------- Key words: Electron propulsion, EABP, hypersonic propulsion, space propulsion.

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Article Electric Hypersonic Aircraft1 after Shmuel 6 21 14.docx

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