Yu.N. Klimov. Quantitative lexicology Russian and English of texts of the novels V.v. Nabokov "lolita"

Literature / Internet articles / Analysis of literature

Submitted on: Oct 06, 2014, 02:35:59

Description: Research 29 quantitative characteristics Russian and English of texts of the novel of V.V. Nabokov "Lolita" is lead. The Russian text of the novel is described by 20 characteristics (68, 96%), and the English text - 19 characteristics (31,04%). Reduction in shares of word of types (WT) and word of tokens (WTK) for Russian translation and the English text of the novel as non-uniform waves of change of these sizes from their rate is shown. Change of shares of cumulative WT and WTK for Russian translation and the English text of the novel in percentage of their rate, since the least size is marked. Results of modeling of dependence CFW and CLW from their sequence are resulted, since the greatest size of Russian and English of texts, natural logarithms of cumulative WT and WTK from frequency of 1-25 Russian and English of texts, natural logarithms of cumulative WT and WTK from frequency 25 Russian and is higher than English of texts, natural logarithms of cumulative WT and WTK from frequency 25 Russian and is higher than English of texts, cumulative WTK from frequency of 1-25 Russian and English of texts (in %) and WT (in %). It is shown, that relative speed (size b in the sedate equation) the investigated characteristics considerably exceeds relative exponential speed (size b in exponential the equation). Key words: V.V. Nabokov "Lolita": general length of a word, number of word forms, number of word usages, the relation of number of word forms to number of word usages, natural logarithms of number of word forms and word usages, indexes: HerdanIs, АD, exclusiveness, a constancy, a point computer lexical crossingover, approximate riches of the dictionary, the specified riches of the dictionary, hapax legomena, hapax dislegomena, hapax trislegomena, a share hapax legomena in the dictionary, a share hapax dislegomena in the dictionary, a share hapax trislegomena in the dictionary, a share hapax legomena in the text, a share hapax dislegomena in the text, a share hapax ...

The Library of Congress (USA) reference page : http://lccn.loc.gov/cn2013300046.

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Quantitative lexicology Russian and English of texts of the novels LOLITA_IA_2014.docx

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