Yu.N. Klimov. Comparative quantitative lexicology the Icelandic epos "gă­sla Saga Sășrssonar" in Russian and Icelandic languages

Literature / Internet articles / Analysis of literature

Submitted on: Nov 01, 2014, 09:51:27

Description: : Results computer quantitative lexicological the analysis of the Icelandic epos "GĂ­sla Saga SĂșrssonar" fewer than 31 characteristic are submitted. Modeling Russian and Icelandic texts on linear, exponential, to the sedate equations and polynoms of the second and third degrees is lead. Similarity and distinction of the investigated texts is shown. Russian translation exceeds the text of the original. Key words: The Icelandic epos, the saga about GĂ­sla, GĂ­sla Saga SĂșrssonar, translation into Russian, general length of a word, number of word forms, number of word usages, the relation of number of word forms to number of word usages, natural logarithms of number of word forms and word usages, index HerdanI„s, index АD, exclusiveness, a constancy, a point computer lexical crossingover, approximate riches of the dictionary, the specified riches of the dictionary, hapax legomena, hapax dislegomena, hapax trislegomena, a share hapax legomena in the dictionary, a share hapax dislegomena in the dictionary, a share hapax trislegomena in the dictionary, a share hapax legomena in the text, a share hapax dislegomena in the text, a share hapax trislegomena in the text, the sum hapax legomena, hapax dislegomena, the sum hapax legomena, hapax dislegomena, hapax trislegomena, a share of the sum hapax legomena and hapax dislegomena in the dictionary, a share of the sum hapax legomena, hapax dislegomena, hapax trislegomena in the dictionary, Share of the sum hapax legomena and hapax dislegomena in the text, a share of the sum hapax legomena, hapax dislegomena, hapax trislegomena in the text and the relation of number of word usages to number of word forms, similarity and distinction, the original, translation.

The Library of Congress (USA) reference page : http://lccn.loc.gov/cn2013300046.

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Comparative quantitative lexicology the Icelandic epos GSS_IA_2014.docx

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