Yu.N. Klimov. Comparative quantitative lexicology poems and A.s. Pushkin's poems, Т.g. Shevchenko and I. Franko
Literature / Internet articles / Analysis of literature
Submitted on: Feb 15, 2015, 13:41:34
Description: Abstracts: Similarity and distinction of dependence of frequencies of lengths of words and their cumulative number from length of words for poems of 1831-1834, and a poem "Eugeny Onegin" (chapter 1 - in part chapter 5) is shown A.S. Pushkin, poems "Katerina", "Gaidamaki" T.G. Shevchenko and "Moses" I. Franko in the Ukrainian language. Distinction and similarity on 28 quantitative to characteristics of the investigated poetic products of Russian and Ukrainian poetry is revealed. Research of Russian and Ukrainian graphemes has shown, that the Ukrainian graphemes make from 5,15 ("Katerina" T.G. Shevchenko) up to 6,38 % ("Moses" I. Franko) Russian graphemes that specifies similarity of both slavic languages. It is revealed, that 50 % of graphemes fall at eight graphemes, distinguished by their order for Russian and Ukrainian of languages. The basic are confirmed quantitative the properties of texts revealed by us, in works of last yearEs [29-35]. Key words: Verses of 1831-1834, Eugeny Onegin, A.S. Pushkin, Katerina, Gaidamaki, T.G. Shevchenko, Moses, Russian, hapax, the Ukrainian language, graphemes, the alphabet, length of words, number of word forms, number of word usages, the relation of number of word forms (WF) to number of word usages (WU), natural logarithms of number WF and WU, index HerdanIs, index АD, an index of exclusiveness, an index of a constancy, a point computer lexical crossigover, approximate riches of the dictionary, the specified riches of the dictionary, hapax legomena, hapax dislegomena, hapax trislegomena, a share hapax legomena in the dictionary, a share hapax dislegomena in the dictionary, a share hapax trislegomena in the dictionary, a share hapax legomena in the text, a share hapax dislegomena in the text, a share hapax trislegomena in the text, the sum hapax legomena, hapax dislegomena, the sum hapax legomena, hapax dislegomena, hapax trislegomena, a share of the sum hapax legomena and hapax dislegomena in the dictionary, a share of the...