Belyavskaya Maria. Hierarchical structures in the novel by A. Nothomb "stupeur et tremblement" as a reflection of social determinancy in the literature of the turn of Xx-xxi centuries.
Literature / Fiction / Semi-fiction
Submitted on: Mar 10, 2015, 02:53:43
Description: The study of the literature of the turn of the XX-XXI centuries, in particular of the novels by A. Nothomb, proposes to consider the presence in the author's conception of social phenomena on the plot level, at the level of artistic characters and the conflict chain. The analysis of novels by A. Nothomb confirms the presence of social determinance of the modern literature, which, in turn, contributes to the success of this kind of literature among the readers as it performs such social functions as an actual way of cognition, the function of the spiritual, ideological and aesthetic orientations, as well as the function of the expansion of world experience. Keywords: A. Nothomb, social determinancy, the literature of the turn of XX-XXI cs., social phenomenon.