Yu.N. Klimov. Comparative quantitative research of graphemes of the Icelandic epos by the example of Russian ("vision Gylfi"), Icelandic ("edda Gylfaginning"), English of texts and their modeling

Literature / Internet articles / Analysis of literature

Submitted on: Apr 01, 2015, 04:19:41

Description: Abstracts: It is lead comparative quantitative research of graphemes (GR) of the Icelandic epos by the example of Russian "Vision Gylfi", Icelandic "Edda Gylfaginning", English of texts and their mathematical modeling. Are received quantitative characteristics graphemes (GR): number GR Russian, the Icelandic language and English language, cumulative number GR Russian, the Icelandic language and English language, natural logarithm GR Russian, the Icelandic language and English language, shares GR Russian, the Icelandic language and English language, their percentage and the cumulative percentage, corresponding shares and their cumulative number with the subsequent mathematical modeling on the basis of the simple algebraic equations. Keywords: Vision Gylfi, Edda Gylfaginning, translations, the Icelandic epos, Russian, the Icelandic language, English language, graphemes, cumulative number, mathematical modeling, the linear equation, exponential the equation, the logarithmic equation, the sedate equation, relative speed, relative экспоненци.льн.я speed, distribution 'radfordIs, a share of graphemes, similarity of texts, distinction of texts.

The Library of Congress (USA) reference page : http://lccn.loc.gov/cn2013300046.

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Comparative quantitative research of graphemes of the Icelandic epos by the example of Russian_2015_IA.docx

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