Natalia Didenko. Psychological and pedagogical aspects of Ukrainian language extracurricular work in senior classes of profile schools
Social Sciences / Education / Special education
Submitted on: May 17, 2015, 13:41:21
Description: The article deals with the regularities of mental development and formation of the linguistic identity of pupils in the educational process of profile school. Formation of communicative competence of high school students includes consideration of age, psychological characteristics, mechanisms of speech and thought. The purpose of the article is an analysis of psychological and pedagogical studies which highlight aspects of age-related psychological characteristics, mechanisms of speech and thought and consideration of teaching experience. It is noted that the method of organizing Ukrainian language extracurricular work in an innovative paradigm of language professional education is focused on comprehensive study of personality, provides the study of mental development and identity formation at different age stages. Characteristic of age-appropriate period of early adolescence (15 - 18) is given. We consider some aspects of the mental processes of thought and speech at high school. The attention is focused on the formation of educational motivation of high school students, their choice of further educational and professional activities. The stages of cognitive interest of high school students in learning the Ukrainian language during extracurricular work are presented. The process of thinking as psychological problem including creative thinking that is appropriate for solving complex problems in Ukrainian language extracurricular work is considered. A conclusion about educational needs of high school students, understanding the purpose of life, the choice of didactic material for extracurricular work adapted to the modern social process is formed. Relevance of the problem in the context of a strategy of modernizing education and predictions for further research are determined.