A.E.Shalyt-Margolin. Discrete Nature of Space and Time, Measurability, and Another Paradigm
Natural Sciences / Physics / Gravitation Theory (Relativity)
Submitted on: Jun 29, 2015, 09:30:45
Description: This paper is a continuation of the previous authorâE™s works on the subject sometimes overlapping over them. Additional arguments supporting the idea that a minimal length and minimal time should exist in nature and should be considered at all energy scales are given. Compared with the previous works, apart from the notion of {bf measurability} ({bf measurability in principle}), the author first introduces the notion of {bf measurability in relation to the energy}. The principal objective of the paper is framing of discrete analogues for the well-known theories (Quantum Theory, Gravity, and so on) in terms of {bf measurable quantities only}. A program of further studies to this end is presented in the last section of this work.