John C. Hodge. Light diffraction experiments that confirm the Stoe model and reject all other models
Natural Sciences / Physics / General Physics
Submitted on: Sep 08, 2015, 05:50:18
Description: The Scalar Theory of Everything (STOE) model of single photon diffraction is a model with photons being directed by plenum forces along their trajectory ( ?link=item&id=1557). By setting initial conditions in a simulation, predictions of screen patterns can be made. Changing the altitude produces a change in the width of the pattern. Using a pattern resulting from a single slit, a second mask can examine the result of varying the intensity of the illumination across the slit and of only one of the double slits being illuminated. The resultant patterns on a screen were photographed and are on the opposite side of center from the illuminated side of the second mask. The STOE is consistent and all other models of diffraction are inconsistent with these results.
The full-text article has been published in the "IntellectualArchive" journal , Vol.4, Num.5, September 2015, ISSN 1929-4700.