Yu.N. Klimov. About Properties Of Graphemes In Novel L.n. Tolstoy's "anna Кrenin
Literature / Internet articles / Analysis of literature
Submitted on: Sep 11, 2015, 04:04:11
Description: Abstracts: The article is devoted to the quantitative analysis of Russian graphemes in the novel by L. N. Tolstoy's "Anna Karenina". A comparison of the natural logarithms of cumulative graphemes of novels by V.G. Sorokin's "Day of the Oprichniks" and "Blue bacon". The obtained results graphemes modeled by linear, exponential, logarithmic and exponential equations, polynomials, second and third degree. Shows the similarities and difference between the studied texts. Keywords: grapheme, Russian language, modeling, Bradford's law, L.N. Tolstoy, V.G. Sorokin, Anna Karenina, Day of the Oprichniks, Blue bacon