Davide Fiscaletti. New Insights Into the Special Theory of Relativity
Natural Sciences / Physics / Relativity
Submitted on: Feb 28, 2012, 17:58:38
Description: In the 20th century, physics has understood space and time as being coupled into a "spacetime" manifold, a fundamental arena in which everything takes place. Space-time was considered to have three spatial dimensions and one temporal dimension. Out of the mathematical formalism for the fourth space-time component X4 = ict one can conclude that time t is only a numerical order of material change, i.e., the motion that we obtain with clocks. Time is not a 4th dimension of space. For the description of the Special Theory of Relativity it is here proposed an Minkowski 4D space whilst time t is merely a numerical order of a photon motion in a 4D space. This view opens new perspectives on the understanding of the quantum entanglement, where the 4D space becomes an immediate medium for quantum communication.