Irina Vainorene. J. Austen's Heroes in Discourse of Modern Feminine Writing (literary Analysis of C. Schine's novel "the Three Weissmanns of Westport")
Literature / Fiction / Novels
Submitted on: Dec 14, 2015, 15:06:34
Description: The given article highlights theoretical, social basis of feminine writingEs origin and development in the context of world literature process and English - speaking female prose as its inseparable part, defines different approaches to the notion Ewomen (feminine) literatureE( including feministic critics), researches socially reasoned and cognitive peculiarities of women English speaking writing (on the material of novels written by J. Austen and C. Schine), studies intrinsic features of a classical novel and its implication in the modern discourse (circumstances, lines of the plot, reasons E" consequences chains of events described in the novels, defines specific traits of the main heroesE behaviour of Jane AustenEs ESense and SensibilityE and Cathleen SchineEs EThe Three Weissmanns of WestportE in similar and identic situations in ХІХ and ХХІ centuries.