Agzamova Nilyufar. Bioethics as the culture phenomenon
Philosophy / Ethics / Medical ethics
Submitted on: Jan 31, 2016, 09:11:31
Description: The bioethics originally arisen as theoretical researches of those who searched new world outlook concept for relations to all living things, first of all, to the person, has gradually received the practical expression in a kind formation and activity of ethical committees. Now comes it is time its functioning as subject matter, at least, in the field of biological, medical, pharmacological vocational training. As a phenomenon of culture the bioethics has serious achievements. We can recollect a case with overcoming of an infection the SARS (a Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome) - the atypical pneumonia) which has been described in November, 2002. Danger the SARS has been overcome thanks to bioethical culture of doctors and researchers. In the UNESCO program on bioethics on the first place problems of autonomy of the person and human rights are exposed.. Their representation about a free will E" EikhtiyarE was the central idea of ethical sights Al-Farabi and Ibn Sino.