Korshevnyuk Tatyana. Content’s formation of school course of biology in Ukraine based on Тð†ðœss-researches' results
Social Sciences / Education / Evaluation
Submitted on: Jan 31, 2016, 10:45:35
Description: The article shows an impact of ТІМSS-researches' results on the formation of the biological component of science education in Ukrainian schools. Directions of the biological natural component of school education were also defined. It is a gain of the methodological component, practical orientation of the educational experiment and applied orientation biological education's content. These areas require being implemented in a complex to make the personal orientation of biological education. It would ensure the harmonious development of personality of each student, improve their general culture, skills of competent attitude to their own health and the environment and besides it could form their key and subject competencies. The article presents the relevance and the prospect of the formation the content of school biology education according to international trends in science education of middle school pupils.