John C. Hodge. Hodge Experiment distinguishes between wave and particle caused diffraction patterns
Natural Sciences / Physics / Particle physics
Submitted on: Apr 22, 2016, 11:54:52
Description: The Hodge Experiment was designed to support the Scalar Theory of Everything (STOE) particle model of the photon. It also rejected the wave models of light. The general model of light waves within the Hodge ExperimentâE™s conditions is shown to lead to unobserved effects. It also provides an insight into inertia. The STOE model of particles and the wave model of a continuous medium yield indistinguishable results for the screen image in the traditional diffraction experiment. Therefore, the Hodge Experiment provides a method to distinguish between a direct wave caused diffraction pattern and a particle caused diffraction pattern that resolves the waveâE"particle duality conundrum.