Yu.N. Klimov. Modeling Quantitative Characteristics Of The Of The Texts Of Poems By W. Blake "auguries Of Innocence" And D. G. Rossetti's "the Portrait"
Literature / Internet articles / Analysis of literature
Submitted on: Jul 16, 2016, 04:11:41
Description: Abstracts: the simulation of the quantitative characteristics of the texts of the poems of W. Blake and D.G. Rossetti, separately and equal volume. Shows the similarities and differences. The simulation was carried out by simple algebraic equations based on the cumulative numerical data. Awarded the best algebraic equation for the studied poems. The similarities and differences of entire poems and equal segments of texts on computer quantitative lexical crossingover. Marked isolation based on a share of the word forms and word usages poems of D.G. Rossetti, starting with the highest, frequency is more than 25. Key words: English language, W. Blake, D.G. Rossetti, poems, similarity, difference, numberof word forms, the number of tokens, modeling, cumulative frequency of words, cumulative length of words, computer quantitative lexical crossingover, the natural logarithm of cumulative frequency of words, the natural logarithm of cumulative length of words, the natural logarithm of cumulative lengths of a word forms the natural logarithm of cumulative word forms, the natural logarithm ofthe cumulative word tokens, a point computer quantitative lexical crossingover.