Antoine Acke. Physical Foundation Of Gravito-electromagnetism - The Theory Of Informatons
Natural Sciences / Physics / Astrophysics
Submitted on: Mar 10, 2012, 09:47:55
Description: The "theory of informatons" explains the gravitational interactions by the hypothesis that "information" is the substance of gravitational (and of E.M.)fields. The constituent element of that substance is called an "informaton". Every material object manifests itself in space by the emission of informatons. These are dot shaped mass and energy less entities that rush away with the speed of light, carrying information about the position and the velocity of the emitter. The laws of gravito-electromagnetism are mathematically deduced from the dynamics of the informatons, and the gravitational interactions are explained as the effect of the trend of a material object "to become blind" for flows of information generated by other masses.