Literature / Internet articles / Analysis of literature
Submitted on: Feb 25, 2017, 04:48:43
Description: Abstracts: Russian language dominates the French language in the following quantitative characteristics: the number of word forms (WF), ratio of volume of the dictionary to volume of the text (V/N), the natural logarithm of the vocabulary size (LN V), index Herdan, index uniqueness, 1-F(h), hapax legomena (HL-1), the number of hapax legomena in the dictionary (HL-1/V), the number of hapax legomena in the text (HL-1/N), the sum hapax legomena and hapax dislegomena (HL-1+2), the sum hapax legomena, hapax dislegomena and hapax trislegomena (HL-1+2+3), the ratio of the sum hapax legomena and hapax dislegomena to the volume of the dictionary (HL-1+2/V), the ratio of the sum hapax legomena, hapax dislegomena and hapax trislegomena to the volume of the dictionary (HL-1+2+3/V), the ratio of the sum hapax legomena and hapax dislegomena to the amount of text (HL- 1+2/N) and the ratio of the sum hapax legomena, hapax dislegomena and hapax trislegomena to the amount of text (HL- 1+2+3/N), that is for 15 quantitative characteristics. At the same time, the French language prevails in the following quantitative characteristics: number of word tokens (SD), the ratio of the amount of text to the vocabulary size (N/V), the natural logarithm of the amount of text (LN N), the AD index, the index of constancy, computer quantitative lexical crossingover, 1-F(h), hapax dislegomena (HL-2), hapax trislegomena (HL-3), the ratio of hapax dislegomena to the volume of the dictionary (HL-2/V), the ratio of hapax trislegomena to the volume of the dictionary (HL-3/V), the ratio of hapax dislegomena to the amount of text (HL- 2/N), the ratio of hapax trislegomena to the amount of text (HL-3/N), that is for 13 quantitative characteristics. H-point preliminary (F(h) and refined wealth of Russian texts (1-F(h)) according to Popescu-Altmann 28 French translations of the sonnets, 28 French sonnets correspond to the coordinates of 12 and 21, and 8 to 11. In both cases, the values of the co...