Yu.N. Klimov. Quantitative Properties Of Russian And English Graphemes In Japanese Prose: "the Tale Of The Taira House", "samurai" And "revenge Of Katsuno"
Literature / Internet articles / Analysis of literature
Submitted on: Dec 08, 2017, 04:37:17
Description: _ Abstracts: The aim of this study was quantitative research of graphemes (GRS) in Russian (the classic translation from Japanese "The tale of the Taira house" I. Lvova [1] and translated as "the Samurai" S.A. Belousov [2]), as well as in English translation by Asataro Miyamori. Katsuno's Reverce and Othere Tales of the Samurai (store.doverpublications.com.). Obtained quantitative comparative characteristics "of the tale of the Taira house" and "Samurai" are close enough, indicating high quality of translations to Russian language, close to the classical translation, corresponds to the first uneven zone cumulative frequences graphems "Samurai" (77,89 %), translated by S.A. Belousov, indicating the quality of the Russian translation, which is close to classical prose. The resulting properties of graphemes confirm earlier studies [5, 6]. Key words: Japanese prose, "the tale of the Taira house", "Samurai", Katsuno's Reverce and Other Tales of the Samurai, quantitative lexicology, graphemes, distribution Bradford, three uneven zone, modeling graphemes, relative speed, relative exponential speed, simple algebraic equations, linear, exponential, exponential equation, polynomial second degree polynomial third degree