Alexander Shalyt-Margolin. Minimal Quantities and Measurable Variant of Gravity in the General Form
Natural Sciences / Physics / Gravitation Theory (Relativity)
Submitted on: Jan 12, 2018, 01:54:22
Description: In this paper gravity is studied within the scope of the {bf measurability} notion introduced by the author in his previous works. The {bf measurable} variant of General Relativity (GR) is constructed and it is shown that this variant represents its {it deformation}. In the general form it is demonstrated that all the basic ingredients of GR have their {bf measurable} analogs, the way to derive every term in a {bf measurable} variant of the Einstein equations is presented. Passage of the {bf measurable} analog of GR to the ultraviolet (PlanckâE™s) region is considered, showing that it is quite natural from the viewpoint of the methods and approaches developed in this work. The results obtained are discussed; a further course of studies by the author is indicated.