Klimov Yu,N,. Benford's Law In Information Science: New Features

Natural Sciences / Mathematics / Algebra

Submitted on: Nov 03, 2018, 11:01:07

Description: Abstracts: The hypothesis of applicability of the last digit in Benford's law as the first one in the data and description by simple algebraic equations and Bradford distribution is confirmed. If the value of the number 1 is zero, the equation does not make sense, i.e. the sum of F(n). Distribution over three non-uniform zones of values F(n) or probabilities to meet the last digit of the first in the flows of Informatics, in the articles of CAS, to meet the last digit of the first in the flows of Informatics, in the articles of CAS in dynamics have the same percentage distribution, respectively, for dynamics and for cumulates, which confirms the values of F (n) or the probability to meet the first digit and the last digit of the first, i.e. the independence of the choice of the first digit. For the first time it is also shown by simple algebraic equations the difference of dynamics and cumulates for the relative and relative exponential rates of change F(n) or the probability to meet the figure of the first.or the last digit of the first. Keywords; Benford's law, information science, mathematical modeling, simple algebraic equations

The Library of Congress (USA) reference page : http://lccn.loc.gov/cn2013300046.

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