Klimov Yu,N,. Simple Method Calculate The Value Of F(n) Or The Probability Street The First Digit Of The First
Literature / Internet articles / Analysis of literature
Submitted on: Nov 30, 2018, 03:40:23
Description: Abstracts: a simple method of calculating the value of F(n), or the probability to the first digit of the first on the basis of decimal logarithms of cumulative numbers and the definition of the value of F(n), or the probability to meet the first digit of the first on the decimal logarithm of cumulative numbers and modeling simple algebraic equations is resented. The presented values of the decimal logarithm F(n) or the probability of meeting the first digit for the cumulative number in the five-digit articles in Chemical Abstracts (1907-2003) represented by the five columns have the same exponents. The reduction of numbers to cumulate reveals other simple algebraic equations for part 1 and 2 in the novel L, N. Tolstoy's "War and peace": To graphemes = 0,1023 x + 0,0973, R2 = 0,9168; y = -0,0109x2 + 0,222 x -0,1419, R2 = 0,9831; y = 0,4411 ln(x) - 0,0061 R2 = 0,9986; y = 0,0022x3 - 0,0468x2 + 0,3875 x - 0,3286, R2 = 0,9986 and describes with sufficient accuracy all equations from linear to third degree polynomial, and for part of the criminal code graphemes = 0,1001 x + 0,1056, R2 = 0,9057; y = -0, 0118x2 + 0,23 x - 0,1543, R2 = 0,9865: y = 0,0018x3 - 0,0421x2 + 0,3699 x-0,3120, R2 = 0,9979: y = 0,4343 ln(x) + 8E-17, R2 = 1 and describe with high accuracy except exponential and power equations from linear and logarithmic equations. Bringing the cumulative digit s of the graphemes of parts 1 and 2 of the first graphemes on the cumulative digits of the graphemes of part 2 in the novel L, N. Tolstoy's "War and peace" allow you to find the differences between the first digit of the novel from the second. Key words: simple method of calculating the value of F(n), digit, Benford's law, graphemes, lexicology, simple algebraic equations, War and peace. L/ N. Tolstoy