Pererva Victoriia. Terminology work of future biology teachers during the field-based training in botany
Social Sciences / Education / Special education
Submitted on: Feb 08, 2020, 04:35:21
Description: This paper focuses on problems of terminology work during the field-based training in botany and examines means and exercises of forming professional and terminological competence of future biology teachers. It is shown that improving the level of professional and terminological competence of students provides the background to better scientific awareness of students and contributes to improvement of the quality of academic activity during the professional practice. Biology is based on the results of field research and discoveries. Therefore training that occurs in a field setting is a powerful experience that promotes the development of creative teachers, enhances environmental literacy, and instills ecological responsibility. The content literacy is an important component of studies. In order to improve literacy, it is primarily necessary to form an active professional vocabulary.