Mark Zilberman. "doppler De-boosting" and the Observation of "standard Candles" in Cosmology
Natural Sciences / Astronomy / Astrophysics
Submitted on: Jul 17, 2021, 12:50:19
Description: EDoppler boostingE is a well-known relativistic effect that alters the apparent luminosity of approaching radiation sources. EDoppler de-boostingE is the same relativistic effect observed but for receding light sources (e.g. relativistic jets of AGN and GRB). EDoppler boostingE alters the apparent luminosity of approaching light sources to appear brighter, while EDoppler de-boostingE alters the apparent luminosity of receding light sources to appear fainter. While EDoppler de-boostingE has been successfully accounted for and observed in relativistic jets of AGN, it was ignored in the establishment of Standard candles for cosmological distances. A Standard Candle adjustment of Z>0.1 is necessary for EDoppler de-boostingE, otherwise we would incorrectly assume that Standard Candles appear dimmer, not because of EDoppler de-boostingE but because of the excessive distance, which would affect the entire Standard Candles ladder at cosmological distances. The ratio between apparent (L) and intrinsic (Lo) luminosities as a function of the redshift Z and spectral index I is given by the formula ℳ(Z) = L/Lo=(Z+1)I -3 and for Type Ia supernova appears as ℳ(Z) = L/Lo=(Z+1)-2. EDoppler de-boostingE may also explain the anomalously low luminosity of objects with a high Z without the introduction of an accelerated expansion of the Universe and Dark Energy.