Андрій Кофанов. Corruption In The Economy Of Ukraine
Social Sciences / Law / Economic analysis of law
Submitted on: Aug 29, 2021, 00:21:54
Description: Abstract The research was conducted on the basis of the method of system analysis and generalization of information obtained during the survey conducted by different categories of law enforcement officers who carry out pre-trial investigation of the said crimes, as well as reports from the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine, the National Police of Ukraine, National Anti-Corruption Bureau of Ukraine, etc. for 2016-2019. The most relevant motives and methods of committing corruption crimes were analyzed and found that bribery and corruption were the first among economic crimes, and the increase in the number of these crimes was facilitated by the high corruption of state bodies in various spheres of public life. The key issues that will reduce the level of corruption in the state are outlined. Keywords: National Anti-Corruption Bureau (NABU), investigation of criminal proceedings, corruption, organized economic crime.