Gerasymenko Larysa. Problems Of Detecting Economic Crimes In Ukraine (1996–2021)
Social Sciences / Law / Economic analysis of law
Submitted on: Nov 21, 2021, 23:37:42
Description: Criminological investigation of correlation between corruption and organized economic crime testifies that organized crime and corruption first of all endangers national security of Ukraine, its further development, ensuring con¬stitutional system, proper functioning of all political-economic system. That is why not accidentally the Decrees of the President of Ukraine EOn Complex Earmarked for a Specific Purpose Program for Fighting CriminalityE and EOn Complex Program in Preventing CriminalityE define fighting organized crime and corruption in an economic sphere as one of priority directions. Detecting of organized crimes committed under not obvious circumstances is a complicated and multifactored. The necessity of quick and correct solving informational, methodological, tactical, psychological, technical and many other issues predetermined active participation of inquiry and search workers, the Security Service, militia, its operative detachments, the ProcuratorEs Office, experts, professionals, and the public. That is why a complex approach to fighting crime, including economic one, needs further development, also improvement in co-operation between all law-enforcement and controlling organs is needed. The work in this direction should be considered one of priorities for state organs nowadays and in future.