V. A. Shcherbacov. A-nuclei and A-centers of a quasigroup

Natural Sciences / Mathematics / Graph theory

Submitted on: Apr 08, 2012, 22:29:01

Description: A-nuclei (groups of regular permutations) of a quasigroup are studied. A quasigroup is A-nuclear if and only if it is group isotope. Any quasigroup with permutation medial or paramedial identity is an abelian group isotope. Definition of A-center of a quasigroup is given. A quasigroup is A-central if and only if it is abelian group isotope. If a quasigroup is central in Belyavskaya-Smith sense, then it is A-central. Conditions when A-nucleus define normal congruence of a quasigroup are established, conditions normality of nuclei of some inverse quasigroups are given. Notice, definition of A-nucleus of a loop and A-center of a loop coincides, in fact, with corresponding standard definition.

The Library of Congress (USA) reference page : http://lccn.loc.gov/cn2013300046.

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