Vanda Vyshkivska. Vectors Of The Development Of Education As A Socio-cultural Phenomenon And A Factor Of Influence On The Formation Of Personality In A New Historical Dimension

Social Sciences / Education / Pedagogy

Submitted on: Jul 20, 2022, 09:03:09

Description: The socio-economic and political features of the development of Ukrainian society necessitated the revision of educational guidelines and their value-target orientation. The article analyzes the main vectors of the development of the theoretical and practical foundations of the theory of education. In retrospect, the goals of education are analyzed, the analysis of their dynamics in the works of foreign and domestic teachers is presented. The authors attribute to the main vectors of the development of education: awareness of the purpose of education, interaction of various social institutions, updating the content, methods and technologies of education, raising the level of the teacher's professional and pedagogical culture. It is emphasized the need to match the new strategy of educational work with the objective challenges of the time, current socio-cultural problems. The priority significance of setting the subjectivity of the educational process as its main creative force, capable of turning education into a truly creative process, transferring it into a mode of self-education, providing conditions for the full-fledged formation of a personality, revealing its individual resources while relying on motivational, need-based and cognitive spheres, is being updated , the realization of the individual's right to master the highest values of human existence, the right to achieve peaks in personal and professional development. With this approach, a person is considered as an active, self-organizing subject who independently sets tasks and determines the ways of his forward movement. The opinion is asserted that the key vector of the development of the modern theory of education is the development of Ukrainian statehood as a consolidating factor in the development of Ukrainian society, which is the basis of the system of national-patriotic education. The most important priority of national-patriotic education is the formation of a valuable attitude of the individua...

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