Konstantin Kuznetsov. Transformation of the processes of forecasting investment parameters. Investing in the infrastructure of a smart facility and its developed combined super-system. Part 4 (in Russian)
Natural Sciences / Computer Science / Analysis of algorithms
Submitted on: Sep 02, 2022, 01:54:23
Description: In this book, the author talks about the technique and technology of protective coding processes at all stages of computational and software sequential forecasting, the feasibility and volume of investment in smart infrastructure, materials and equipment of a smart integrative object of new technology. Here are examples of the application of basic security coding technologies for various areas of modern smart technology and technology, for example, the coding of disposable laser instruments and mobile data carriers, including the modernization of existing structures and their binding and adaptation to new objects. The author also examines the dependence of the required investment volumes on the degree of innovation novelty of the investment objects and the possible nature of the use of new smart technologies, including quantum computers and their processor equivalents.