Kulyk Maryna. Criminal Legal And Administrative Legal Genesis Of Combating Human Trafficking In Ukraine
Social Sciences / Law / Common law and equity
Submitted on: Sep 02, 2022, 04:41:28
Description: Today human trafficking is one of the most urgent and critical problems in Ukraine and all over the world. Expansion of the phenomena is mainly caused by opportunity to make huge profits from the criminal activity. The factors contributing human trafficking are poverty of most people in different countries, lack of social protection, unemployment, armed conflicts and other social cataclysms. In Ukraine about 90 cases were filed by facts of human trafficking in 1998. In 2000âE"2022 over 4600 victims were involved in such cases. 920 of 1771 convicted of human trafficking-related crime are women. Over 805 Ukrainian citizens were convicted of such crimes committed abroad. As of July 1, 2022, 77 criminal proceedings have already been registered.