Miroslav Pardy. The radiation of Rlc circuit with the longitudinal capacitor
Natural Sciences / Physics / Electromagnetism
Submitted on: Oct 03, 2022, 20:50:59
Description: The RLC circuit is generalized in such a way that the capacitor has longitudinal form and the components are all in series with the voltage source (R-L-C-v). The medium inside the capacitor is dielectric with the index of refraction n. The change of the amount of charges on the left and right side of the capacitor generate in dielectric medium special radiation which is not the Cerenkov radiation, no the Ginzburg transition radiation but the original radiation which must be confirmed in laboratories.
We have calculated the spectral form of the radiation of RLC circuit with the longitudinal capacitor. It depends on the dielectric constant n of the capacitor medium. The defect in medium is involved in the spectral form and can be compared with the original medium. Such comparison is the analog of the Heyrovsky-Ilkovic procedure in the quantum electro-chemistry (Heyrovsky et al., 1965).
The article is the preamble for the future investigation of electronic physics and can be integral part of such institutions as Bell Laboratories, NASA, CERN and so on.