Nesen Olha. The Genesis Of The Implementation Of Forensically Significant Information (by Operative Units Of The National Police And Bank Security Services) Obtained During The Preliminary Expert Forensic Investigation Of Plastic Means Of Payment
Social Sciences / Law / Common law and equity
Submitted on: Mar 25, 2023, 10:41:05
Description: The development of market relations made for appearance of new practice in Ukraine. Bank operations, commerce agreements and mutual payments are conducted by means of plastic charge means (hereinafter PCM). Nowadays it is PC Market, which is developing dynamically in Ukrainian economy. It is to advantage of initiators, who introduce plastic cards (hereinafter PC) into practice, in particular, banks, to obtain commission, expand business spheres on different scale, broad consumer services and attract more clients. The cited above makes business of commercial structures promising and profitable. In their turn PC holders have some advantages. They need not have a huge sum of cash on them, fulfill some ceremonial functions characteristic of other ways of cashless settlement. PC facilitates obtaining goods and services on credit automatically without drawing up operations in a bank directly. Very soon settlements through PC can take leading stand among Cashel payments due to their universality and advantages.