Ervin Goldfain. Open Limitations of Quantum Gravity: a Brief Overview (updated)

Natural Sciences / Physics / Quantum field theory

Submitted on: Aug 02, 2024, 09:28:20

Description: Despite years of sustained research on multiple avenues, unification of Quantum Field Theory (QFT) and General Relativity (GR) appears to be heading towards a dead end. There are by now dozens of review articles, podcasts, blog entries, conference proceedings and books explaining the challenges of unification and debating the status of this presumptive failure. Yet no consensus exists on what the next steps ought to be and on whether the whole unification effort is to be abandoned. The (modest) goal of this short review is to go over the main conceptual limitations of Quantum Gravity (QG) programs. This tutorial reflects a personal viewpoint, likely to stand at odds with the wide spectrum of opinions of those working in this field.

The Library of Congress (USA) reference page :

To read the article posted on Intellectual Archive web site please click the link below.

Open Limitations of Quantum Gravity.pdf

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