Alexander Shalyt-Margolin. The Quantum Primordial Black Holes,dimensionless Small Parameter,inflationary Cosmology and Non-gaussianity

Natural Sciences / Astronomy / Cosmology

Submitted on: Aug 27, 2024, 01:48:06

Description: In the present work consideration is given to the primordial black holes ({bf pbhs}) in the Schwarzschild-de Sitter Metric with small mass (ultralight) in the preinflationary epoch. Within the scope of natural assumptions, it has been shown that the quantum-gravitational corrections ({bf qgcs}) to the characteristics of such black holes can contribute to all the cosmological parameters, shifting them compared with the semiclassical consideration. These contributions are determined by a series expansion in terms of a small parameter dependent on the hole mass (radius). For this pattern different cases have been considered (stationary, black hole evaporation...). It has been demonstrated that involvement of ({bf qgcs}) leads to a higher probability for the occurrence of such {bf pbhs}. Besides, high-energy deformations of Friedmann Equations created on the basis of these corrections have been derived for different patterns. In the last section of this work it is introduced a study into the contributions generated by the above-mentioned {bf qgcs} in inflationary cosmological perturbations. Besides, it has been shown that non-Gaussianity of these perturbations is higher as compared to the semi-classical pattern.

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