Miroslav Pardy. The Sommerfeld equation with the Uehling potential

Natural Sciences / Physics / Particle physics

Submitted on: Aug 28, 2024, 13:29:27

Description: The Uehling potential is the one-loop radiative correction to the photon propagator. The correction can be graphically represented by the Feynman diagram of the second order. The physical meaning of this diagram is the process with gamma photon going to the electro-positron pair to gamma photon. It means that photon can exist in the virtual state with electron positron being virtual particles. Then, the Coulomb potential with such radiative corrections can be inserted in the Sommerfeld quantum equation in order to find the Sommerfeld energy.

The Library of Congress (USA) reference page : http://lccn.loc.gov/cn2013300046.

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