V. Scherban, T. Ponomarenko, G. Melnyk, Y. Shcherban’. Determination of load forces on the upper part of orthopedic and postoperative shoes

Natural Sciences / Engineering Sciences / Engineering Sciences

Submitted on: Sep 05, 2024, 10:30:28

Description: Determined patterns of force load on the sole and upper of orthopedic and postoperative shoes when bending the foot while walking. To determine the force of the load on the top of the postoperative orthopedic shoes, the frictional forces between the lateral surfaces of the shoes and the outer lateral sides of the foot can be neglected. Thus, the task will be reduced to the compilation of equilibrium equations of a plane system of forces. As can be seen from the load diagram of the top of the shoe, we have a flat arbitrarily located system of forces. To determine the unknown forces, it is necessary to compile a system of two equilibrium equations, which will represent the algebraic sums of the projections of all forces on the horizontal and vertical axes. To automate the design process of orthopedic and postoperative shoes, a computer program was developed that allows you to perform calculations of the corresponding forces and tension depending on the design and types of material of individual elements, as well as obtain regression equations for determining the effect of tension on the magnitude of the detachment force.

The Library of Congress (USA) reference page : http://lccn.loc.gov/cn2013300046.

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