Pavlovska Nataliia, Nesen Olha, Tsypan Anzhela, Kofanov Andrii, Rusanivska Dina. Forensic Research Of Some Samples Of Modern Foreign-made Criminal Weapons In Wartime And The Most Common Mistakes
Social Sciences / Law / Criminal law
Submitted on: Oct 22, 2024, 07:35:27
Description: The article discusses some aspects of the preliminary forensic and forensic research of individual samples of modern weapons produced in Europe and America. Special attention is paid to samples of smoothbore firearms. It is the most widespread but clearly underestimated from the point of view of forensics. Crimes committed during the war with the use of smoothbore weapons are the most serious in terms of consequences. Smoothbore weapons are more destructive and powerful compared to rifled weapons at close range. The article proposes a new forensic (modern, creative) author's classification of foreign-made smoothbore weapons. Particular attention is paid to the most widespread forensic and research errors in weapons research and ways to solve them during the war. The short historical analysis of appearing, development and formation of smooth-bore firearms in the world allows to pass to us to definition of concept and its classification on fighting, those of special purpose and the hunting smooth-bore firearms. Key words: smooth-bore, firearms, calibre, methodical, errors.